
I studied Computer Sciene from 2019 till 2022 at the American of Beirut (AUB) with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI). I also attended the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) for a semester abroad during Fall 2021 as a part of the International Guest Program at UPenn. Currently, I am pursuig a master's degree in Data Engineering and Analytics at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the top university in Germany and the EU. I took different courses in the fields of AI, Data Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, as well as Computer Science in general throughout my undergraduate and graduate studies, which you can find below.

AI Courses at TUM

Course Title Semester Instructor Course Website
Computer Vision III: Detection, Segmentation and Tracking Winter 2023 Daniel Cremers Wesbite here
Natural Language Processing Winter 2022 Georg Groh Wesbite here
Business Analytics and Machine Learning Winter 2022 Martin Bichler Wesbite here
Introduction to Deep Learning Summer 2023 Matthias Nießner Wesbite here
Machine Learning for 3D Geometry Winter 2023 Angela Dai Wesbite here
Master Seminar: 3D Machine Learning Summer 2023 Angela Dai, Alexey Artemov Wesbite here

Data Engineering Courses at TUM

Course Title Semester Instructor Course Website
Foundations in Data Engineering Winter 2022 Thomas Neumann Wesbite here
Cloud Information Systems Summer 2023 Viktor Leis Wesbite here

Computer Sciences Courses at AUB and UPenn

Course Title Semester Instructor
Introduction to Programming Fall 2019 George Turkiyyah
Discrete Structures Fall 2019 Fatima Abu Salem
Intermediate Programming with Data Structures Spring 2020 Mohamed Nassar
Algorithms and Data Structures Summer 2020 Amer Mouawad
Software Construction Fall 2020 Mahmoud Bdeir
Computer Architecture Fall 2020 Izzat El Hajj
Theory of Computation Fall 2020 Wadih Jureidini
Software Engineering Spring 2021 Mahmoud Bdeir
Programming Languages Spring 2021 Izzat El Hajj
Database Systems Spring 2021 Wadih Jureidini
Artificial Intelligence Spring 2021 Shady Elbassuoni
Operating Systems Fall 2021 Boon Thau Loo (from UPenn)
Data Science Summer 2022 Fatima Abu Salem
Web Programming and Design Spring 2022 Imad Moukadem