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Research Intern with Dr. Andrea Matic

May 2024 - Present

  • Improving the robustness of 3D person detection in indoor environments to withstand adverse conditions such as occlusion and poor lighting.
  • Running Camera based methods (BEVDet, BEVDet4D, BEVDepth), LiDAR based methods (CenterPoint, PointPillars), and Camera-LiDAR methods (BEVFusion) on Audi and JackRabbot datasets using mmdetection3d toolbox.
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Research Intern with Professor Gerhard Rigoll 's Lab

March 2024 - Present

  • Working on 3D object detection and tracking through multi-modal sensor fusion (camera and 4D radar) using nuScenes and View of Delft (VOD) datasets.
  • Implementing BevDet pipeline with VOD dataset and enhancing the radar encoder architecture.
  • Improved the model performance by 14 mAp.
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Research Intern with Professor Federico Tombari's Lab

October 2023 - February 2024

  • Worked with the computer vision team at the CAMP Chair on multimodal learning for autonomous driving utilizing data from different modalities (text, 2D image, and lidar point cloud).
  • Transformed Lidar 3D point clouds to depth images.
  • Finetuned the ImageBind model using text, camera images, and depth images using nuScenes dataset.
Participant in Google's Computer Science Research Mentorship Program

September 2021 - Decemer 2021

  • Mentored by Dr. Leo Cheng, a Google research scientist, regarding research pathways in machine learning and data science.
  • Attended a series of individual and pod meetings as well as workshops about research in computer science.
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Research Intern with Professor Shady Elbassuoni

May 2021 - May 2022

  • Conducted literature review regarding using deep learning models to optimize the buildings’ operating costs.
  • Worked on preprocessing the gathered data, analyzing Beirut weather data, and coming up with useful insights.